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41 ni-al phase diagram

The Ni-Al-Ti ternary phase diagrams show the γ and γ' phase field. For a given chemical composition, the fraction of γ' decreases as the temperature is increased. This phenomenon is used in order to dissolve the γ' at a sufficiently high temperature (a solution treatment) followed by ageing at a lower temperature in order to generate a uniform and fine dispersion of strengthening precipitates. Al-Ni Phase Diagram. Thermodynamic Assessment [2004Oht] Thermodynamic analysys of the Co-Al-C and Ni-Al-C systems by incorporating ab initio energetic calculations into the CALPHAD approach H.Ohtani,M.Yamano,M.Hasebe; CALPHAD, 28 (2004), 177-190.

Abstract. The phase equilibria in the Ni-Co rich region (<50 at.%Al) of the Al-Co-Ni system were studied experimentally for two isothermal sections at 1100 and 800 °C. Metallography, energy dispersive spectroscopy, hardness and x-ray diffraction were used for characterization and determination of γ, γ′ and β phases within the ternary system.

Ni-al phase diagram

Ni-al phase diagram

Cluster expansion techniques together with Monte Carlo simulations were used to calculate a finite-temperature-composition phase diagram of the Ni-Al binary. The calculated phase diagram together with an analysis of Bain instabilities reveals the importance of anharmonicity in determining the phase bounds between the B2 based β phase and the L ... calculated phase diagram for Ni-Al with data points for phase boundaries included. For references to the original studies the review of Nash et al18 contains most these. It is noted that the calculated diagram gives a eutectic reaction between γ and γ' rather than a peritectic as proposed in some recent work19. This is a consequence of ... Al-Fe~Ni PHASE DIAGRAM This phase diagram can be used for the analysis of the phase composition of an 8001 alloy (Table 7.1) that contains only nickel and iron as the alloying elements. This phase diagram is also necessary for the analysis of more complex systems.

Ni-al phase diagram. 2. Mg-Al (Magnesium-Aluminium) This is the most important Mg binary phase diagram because Al is added to mg in most of the commercial types of Mg alloys. Several researchers [ 81 - 95] studied the liquidus, solidus, and solvus lines of the Mg-Al system. An Al-Ni phase diagram is obtained for xNi ≧ 0.70 by combining the data from this work with selected data from the literature. This diagram deviates from that recommended by phase diagram ... Phase diagrams will help us to understand and predict microstructures like the one shown in this page ... ternary phase diagram of Ni-Cr-Fe. MSE 2090: Introduction to Materials Science Chapter 9, Phase Diagrams 11 Isomorphous system - complete solid solubility of the two 1203.02 Pseudo-binary diagrams (particularly Al- Mg2Si)_____12 1203.03 References _____14 ... The phase diagram for Cu-Ni is shown in Figure 1203.01.02, where the diagram follows the normal presentation, with the ordinate as temperature and the abscissa is composition, plotted in this case as wt% Ni (Note: an abscissa in atomic % is an ...

Consider the aluminum - nickel (Al-Ni) phase diagram below. For this phase diagram: (a) Determine the coordinates of the composition and temperature of the invariant reactions. ... Label the two-phase regions in the phase diagram. For example, two phases Al + Al3Ni coexist in the region between ~2% -43% Ni and at T=400-639.9oC (2 points). 2.1. Phase diagram Two variations of the Ca-Ni phase diagram exist. The details of each phase diagram were explored and the most suitable option selected. The most contested detail of the phase diagram is the existence of congruent melting of CaNi 5. Takeuchi et al. [6] created a phase diagram from 81Jac: E. Jacobson and E. Rosen, "Thermodynamic Studies of High Temperature Equilibriums. 25. Solid State emf Studies of the Systems Iron-Ferrous Oxide, Nickel-Nickelous Oxide, and Cobalt-Cobaltous Oxide in the Temperature Range 1000-1600 K", Scand. J. Metall., 10, 39-43 (1981). (Thermo; Experimental) Google Scholar. The portion of the Ni-Al phase diagram near the NisAl compound taken from Singleton et. al. [4] 7 solidus region and obtained 3 points on the phase boundaries below the eutectic temperature using the Knudsen-effusion technique. Bremer et al [7] also used DTA to evaluate the

TDmeph IRSN Mephista nuclear database (0) TDnucl IRSN Nuclea nuclear database (0) SpMCBN Spencer Group M-C-N-B-Si alloys (837) Phase Diagrams All the phase diagrams were calculated by Pandat. Ag Binary Phase Diagrams. Ag-Al Ag-Au Ag-B Ag-Bi Ag-Ca Ag-Ce Ag-Co Ag-Cr Ag-Cu Ag-Dy Ag-Er Ag-Fe Ag-Ga Ag-Gd Ag-Ge Ag-Hf Ag-Hg Ag-Ho Ag-In Ag-Ir Ag-La Ag-Mg Ag-Mo Ag-Na Ag-Nd Ag-Ni Ag-Os Ag-Pb Ag-Pd Ag-Pr Ag-Pt Ag-Rh Ag-Ru Ag-Sb Ag-Sc Ag-Si Ag-Sn Ag-Sr Ag-Tb Ag-Te Ag-Ti Ag-V Ag-W ... Nickel-Nickel Oxide-Spinel Phase Field 249 Iron-Wustite-SpinelPhase Field 250 Nickel-Spinel-AluminumOxide Phase Field 251 Iron-Spinel-AluminumOxide Phase F~eld 252 Nickel (or Iron)-AluminumAlloy, Alumi- 252 num Oxide Coexistence Equilibrium Oxygen Pressure Diagram for 255 Ni-Al-OSystem at lOOOoC . 9.14 REFERENCES • Equilibrium Oxygen Pressure ... A critical assessment of the Al-Ni phase diagram was given in 1990 by Singleton et al. . In addition to the solid solutions (Al) and (Ni) they reported 5 intermetallic phases: Al 3 Ni, Al 3 Ni 2, AlNi, Al 3 Ni 5 and AlNi 3, where Al 3 Ni 5 is considered by Robertson and Wayman to be stable only at temperatures below ca. 700 °C.

Al-Ni system is of great interest due to the high melting intermetallic phases (see phase diagram shown in Fig. 1), which are of considerable practical impor- tance.

Metastable phase diagram for Ni-Al alloys, as proposed by Nourbakhsh and Chen.16 On the stable diagram (thick line), one can be note the P'-NiAl, y-N&Al and y-Ni phases and the peritectic reactions which originates N&Al intermetallic. On the metastable diagram (thin line), the reac-

The Cu-Ni and binary phase diagram (Figure 10.3) is the simplest type of binary phase diagrams for two metals. Figure 10.3 shows that Cu and Ni are mutually soluble at room temperature throughout ... radii of Al and Cr 0.053 and 0.063 nm. The borderline between the liquid phase and twophase (liquid + solid) - region is termed the liquidus line,

The Ni-rich portion of the Ni-Al phase diagram is examined in light of data on coherent equilibrium between the γ (Ni-Al solid solution) and γ' (Ni 3 Al) phases, as well as on the thermodynamic requirements of coherent equilibrium. The model of Ardell and Maheshwari was used to calculate the difference between the incoherent and coherent ...

The Al-Pt phase diagram was accepted from Ref. with corrections from Refs. , and the Al-Ni phase diagram was accepted from Ref. . 2. Experimental procedure. Initial alloys of 2-5 g were produced by levitation induction melting in a water-cooled copper crucible under a pure Ar atmosphere. The purity of Al was 99.999%, of Ni 99.98%, and of ...

The potential describes lattice properties of Ni 3 Al, point defects, planar faults, as well as the γ and γ′ fields on the Ni-Al phase diagram. The potential is applied to calculate the energies of coherent Ni/Ni 3 Al interphase boundaries with three different crystallographic orientations. Depending on the orientation, the interface ...

The Al-Ni phase diagram has been investigated in the com position range x Ni = 0.70 to 0.97. Phase boundaries were determined by using differential thermal analysis and Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range between 1409 and 1730K. An Al-Ni phase diagram is obtained for x Ni ≧ 0.70 by combining the data from this work with selected data ...

Chapter 10: Ternary Phase Diagrams / 195. Fig. 10.5 . Isopleth through hypothetical ternary phase diagram at a constant . 40% . C. adapted from ref 10.1. SPB Line. The single-phase boundary line is found on any section that . contains a single-phase region. The line is what its name implies. It is the boundary line around that single-phase region.

(e.g., Al and Cu) • Phases : The physically and chemically distinct material regions that result (e.g., α and β). Aluminum-Copper Alloy Components and Phases α (darker ... Cu-Ni phase diagram Phase Diagrams: # and types of phases • Rule 1: If we know T and Co, then we know:

The phase diagram of the binary system Ni-Al has been determined near the Ni 3 Al composition as the basis for the growth of Ni 3 Al crystals by the Czochralski and Bridgman methods. The phase morphology of crystals themselves also provides important information about the shape of the phase diagram.

Al-Fe~Ni PHASE DIAGRAM This phase diagram can be used for the analysis of the phase composition of an 8001 alloy (Table 7.1) that contains only nickel and iron as the alloying elements. This phase diagram is also necessary for the analysis of more complex systems.

calculated phase diagram for Ni-Al with data points for phase boundaries included. For references to the original studies the review of Nash et al18 contains most these. It is noted that the calculated diagram gives a eutectic reaction between γ and γ' rather than a peritectic as proposed in some recent work19. This is a consequence of ...

Cluster expansion techniques together with Monte Carlo simulations were used to calculate a finite-temperature-composition phase diagram of the Ni-Al binary. The calculated phase diagram together with an analysis of Bain instabilities reveals the importance of anharmonicity in determining the phase bounds between the B2 based β phase and the L ...

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