39 stihl wood boss 028 av parts diagram
Hello everyone, I hope you folks are having a great christmas so far! I have one question for you people who are more experienced, and maybe could help me here... I have received an over 20 years old Stihl 029 for christmas from my family, but the twist is, this machine has been sitting in the basement for over 10 years. Now, what I know so far, it's very dirty, the handle has some mold on it and overall, the entire machine is covered in heavy, sticky dust. Also, the fuel tank and the oil tank s... I did a piston and cylinder head swap because the lady that my pops recently separated from ran straight gas in it and scored the piston. After I got it back together, it sounded like the piston was hitting the cylinder head... Is there a certain position to set piston when reassembling?
Does anyone know if the clutch assembly on an old Stihl 028 AV wood boss is the same as or is compatible with the clutch assembly on an old Stihl 038 ? They look the same in pictures and both have the same clutch shoes (1113 printed on them?) so would it make sense that the dimensions of the assembly's are the same and therefor clutch and sprocket for these saws are cross compatible??? Cheers.
Stihl wood boss 028 av parts diagram
Hello firewooders, I'm starting my very first supply of firewood. There are several trees that are down, but not on the ground which should mean useable cords of firewood waiting to be bucked and split. My old Poulan Wild Thing is a bit of a putz and barely makes it through an average log without bogging down so I "need" (want) a replacement. I have a stihl dealer a mile or two away from me and could pick up an MS250 for around $370 or an MS251 woodboss for $329. both of which have an 18" bar,... Was doing some cleaning up around my family's property the other day and found a stihl 028AV super and an 029. Both are in mediocre condition (missing sprocket covers as well as a few other minor pieces and covered in dirt and rust). Spent this afternoon tearing down the 029 to fix up and rebuild and was just wondering if anyone has used either if these saws? Going to clean up and rebuild both of them as time allows, just wondering if anyone has any experience running them so I know what kind if... My BIL gave me a 028 woodboss. After tinkering with it I had it running this winter. Chain was dull. I bought a new chain, installed it this spring , won't crank. Have changed the plug, carb, air filter, and intake boot. Still won't crank. Has blue spark when grounding a plug on the head. But the spark plug is dry, tried starting fluid (I know not a great idea on 2 stroke) doesn't even try to crank. I pulled till my arm is jelly. Any help?
Stihl wood boss 028 av parts diagram. I’m split between the two. I don’t know much about chainsaws yet but I’m trying to do my research. I got it narrowed down to these two. The main differences from what I see is that the 250 is tried and true and the 251 is a newer version of the 250. Is there really any significant difference? This will be the saw I’m gonna have for a long time and don’t want to regret anything. Any help is appreciated. Edit: also is there any specific accessories I should buy. They load me up with fluids and a ... Looking to get my first chainsaw. Don't need anything to big. Just an all around good saw. This would be used for firewood, light clearing and storm down trees. My BIL gave me a 028 woodboss. After tinkering with it I had it running this winter. Chain was dull. I bought a new chain, installed it this spring , won't crank. Have changed the plug, carb, air filter, and intake boot. Still won't crank. Has blue spark when grounding a plug on the head. But the spark plug is dry, tried starting fluid (I know not a great idea on 2 stroke) doesn't even try to crank. I pulled till my arm is jelly. Any help? Was doing some cleaning up around my family's property the other day and found a stihl 028AV super and an 029. Both are in mediocre condition (missing sprocket covers as well as a few other minor pieces and covered in dirt and rust). Spent this afternoon tearing down the 029 to fix up and rebuild and was just wondering if anyone has used either if these saws? Going to clean up and rebuild both of them as time allows, just wondering if anyone has any experience running them so I know what kind if...
Hello firewooders, I'm starting my very first supply of firewood. There are several trees that are down, but not on the ground which should mean useable cords of firewood waiting to be bucked and split. My old Poulan Wild Thing is a bit of a putz and barely makes it through an average log without bogging down so I "need" (want) a replacement. I have a stihl dealer a mile or two away from me and could pick up an MS250 for around $370 or an MS251 woodboss for $329. both of which have an 18" bar,...
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