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36 3-5-3 defense diagram

5-3 Defense Playbook 5&6 5&6 3 Definitions Advantages of the 5-3 8 defenders “in the box”, effective against the run. D-ends do not have pass coverage. Fits aggressive linemen. Contains running options to the middle of the field. Positions D-Line T Tackle Center in a gap, one gap away from NG

In Figure 3, the call is a strong slant (Toro) with the weak linebacker blitz (Bullets Weak) and a Quarters Coverage (Cover 4) behind it. This look ends up being similar to the 4-2-5 Defense with TCU’s 2-Blue Coverage call. You’re not limited in the front by what coverage you use. The biggest concern is your weak side force.

A 3-3-5 defense, like all other defensive formations in football, starts with the big guys up front, the defensive linemen at the line of scrimmage. This formation utilizes one defensive tackle and two defensive ends. One option up front is to have a traditional nose tackle line up directly over the center’s head, in what’s called the 0 technique.

3-5-3 defense diagram

3-5-3 defense diagram

Defending the spread offense. with the 3-5-3/3-3-5. Thomas Cousins coachcousins@yahoo.com coachcousins@yahoo.com 1 What teams running the spread try to do. • Get us to remove linebackers from the box and lose gap integrity. • Rub or mesh our DBS when we are in man.

The defensive line in a 3-5-3 defense is very similar to that of a 3-4 defense. In fact, the alignments and the primary responsibilities are very close to the ...

Defensive Playbook. Table of Contents ... (Defensive Formation) (Line Stunt) (Blitz) (Coverage) ... Entire defense waits for the offense to break the huddle.63 pages

3-5-3 defense diagram.

Maximizing Your Down Lineman in the 3-5-3 Defense. It is often said that necessity is the mother of all invention. Such has been the case with the trend of the 3-5-3 (or the hybrid 3-3-5), or odd stack defense. While the scheme’s origins trace back to the mid 1990’s, when defensive coordinators Joe Lee Dunn at Mississippi State and Charlie ...

The 5-3 defense is focused primarily on stacking the line of scrimmage with a lot of bodies, exchanging a defender in the secondary for another defender up front. It’s often used against “jumbo” offense packages that utilize at least two tight ends and maybe even a fullback.

The diagram above is the 3-5-3 Defense alignment in The Basic Front, featuring 3 down rushers. 1. The Nose Guard lines up square with the center, either hand is down. 2. Ends line up square with the tackles, inside hand down, keeping the outside arm free. 3. The Dawgs (safeties) line up 3x3 behind the ends. 4.

As shown in Diagram 5, the simplest way for us to get into a bear front is to simply walk both outside linebackers up on the line of scrimmage to become the 9-techniques and align the defensive ends in 3-techniques. Diagram 5. Similarly, in Diagram 6, we will start in a Stack alignment and stunt into Bear.

The 3-5 will put eight defenders in the box against double tight-end formations. The 3-5 can easily adjust to unbalanced formations as well. With more and more ...

The 3-3-3 Defense. The Cyclones base, in Heacock’s words, is a 3-3-3, or a derivative of the Odd Stack. Unlike a true 3-3-5, where all three LBs are stacked on their anchor points (D-line), the Cyclone defense will “break” the stack in order to keep the look of a two-high shell at all times. The ability to break the stack comes from, what ...

Apr 28, 2016 - The 3-5-3 Stack Defense Football Playbook is an attacking defense. This playbook utilizes multiple slants/blitzes to shut down offenses.

Shown below is a diagram of the basic 3-5-3 defense. The defensive backfield is in a “Cover 3” which means the DB’s each have 1/3 deep coverage. The two Corners have the deep outside 1/3 and the Safety has middle 1/3. Below the diagram will be alignment and assignment responsibilities along with recommendations for player capabilities.

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